We have always planned to have a bathroom in the attic and our bedroom could not be built until all of the plumbing was installed and bathroom set up. So with the expertise of my brother in law on the phone Jeremy got it done.
- Plumbing check
- Bathroom sub floor check
- Lino check
- Sink check
- Toilet check
- Fixtures check
- Whole bunch of finishing stuff... no check
Well with the attic bathroom installed (but not yet connected to the water) it was time to turn ourselves back to drywall.
I'm pretty sure I have photos of me taping and mudding this room, but I'm so darn tired of them people must be tired of them too.
Before I painted the bedroom I did some research on colours and moods and all that non-sense.
What I found was that people who sleep in blue rooms usually sleep longer... 7 hours and 52 minutes. People with orange rooms have better digestion, and get this people with purple rooms only get an average of 5 and a half hours of sleep a night. But the real kicker is that people who paint their rooms caramel have more sex.
Well with all this bull shit going through my mind I just picked some dark olive colour (or the colour of sick poo, depending on your taste). According to my research (I really mean one article I read a while ago hahaha) this colour will sooth us to sleep and help us wake up with an upbeat outlook on the day... This makes me feel better since I really didn't like the colour to begin with, but like hell I'm repainting.
We still have to refinish the floors in the room but we will be doing the entire main floor when the time comes as we will be sanding it down and staining it along with all the baseboards, doors, and staircase. All in all I'm happy with the room, it's not big but the best we could have done in this house.
But the real bonus of finally moving back into a bedroom is the taking back of the living space. What a relief just to have room to move and hang out as a family again. The living room is quite large so we decided we needed to fill it with some real life adult furniture. So yesterday while I was off a soccer with the kids Jeremy and the neighbor unloaded our new living room.
It was bliss to sit down on furniture. We haven't had a proper couch in 2 years, just a old dirty recliner and a futon. I feel so grown-up.
Each time we come to place were our house starts to feel like a home I get so happy and I start to believe that maybe just maybe we will 'finish'.
Jordan and Payton at their first soccer game |
Jeremy's completed bike |